Hi, my name is Matt! Welcome to Cigar Hound Dog, we’re glad you stopped by!

I love to share my knowledge and experience for anyone interested in the beautiful hobby of cigars.

About Cigar Hound Dog

I've been smoking cigars since 2008, and in 2021 decided to share my smoking experience for anyone interested. Enter, Cigar Hound Dog, my cigar reviewing platform affectionately named after my goofy basset hound, Rutherford. My wife also helps out with this endeavor where she can, so it’s safe to say it's a family effort!

I post regular cigar reviews using a 7-tier rating system. These reviews are concise and unbiased, so that I can help you decide what to smoke... and what to skip. Hope to be interacting with you soon!

My Rating System -

I use a 7-tier rating system where I give meaning behind the number. See below.

1 - Unparalleled

One of the best cigars you’ll ever have. A unicorn.

2 - Memorable

Something you loved but was lacking on at least 1-aspect to some degree.

3 - Satisfying

A really enjoyable cigar but was “rough around the edges” in some way.

4 - Pleasant

Not a cigar you’d pick to smoke again, but an overall positive smoking experience.

5 - Pedestrian

Boring or lacking yet mostly inoffensive.

6 - Inadequate

Overall not a good cigar but had at least 1 redeemable quality about it.

7 - Dog Rocket

Completely awful; no redeemable qualities and would never smoke again under any circumstance.